Frequently Asked Questions


The Regional Qualifiers List is compiled through a 12 season term.
A player has to meet certain criteria to make the Regional Qualifiers List.
Heres a break down of how to qualify in a 12 season term.

1. Finish in 1st Place in any Season
2. Finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the Table of Champions (ToC) for a particular season
Every time a player qualifies to be on the Regional Qualifiers List they are awarded additional bonus chips for the final regional tournament.
A player can only recieve a maximum of 10k chips.
Heres a breakdown on how bonus chips are awarded.

1st entry, 5k bonus chips
2nd entry, 2k bonus chips
3rd entry, 2k bonus chips
4th entry, 1k bonus chips
5th or more entry, zero bonus chips
There must be three (3) new players added to the Regional Qualifiers List after every "Tournament of Champions (ToC)".

If a player is already on the list then the next player in the rankings of the ToC qualifies.